Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all my readers!! Don't miss Disney's Muppets Most Wanted which opens in theaters March 21st with my favorite muppet of all time, Kermit The Frog!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Loreal Consumer Testing

For all my readers who love beauty products Loreal Consumer Testing is one of my favorite programs! After you join they send short surveys once a month. If you qualify for a product study they send you the product for you to try, you then fill out follow up surveys. To compensate you for your time they send you a few full size products after the study is over. In the past I have tested mascara, an eyelash curler, and skin care products. What is really cool is these are products that are not currently on the market, it is the preliminary testing stage. Unlike a lot of programs there aren't a bunch of lengthy surveys to do and the products are full size. And for every five surveys you fill out you receive a full size product whether you qualified for a study or not. In the past I have received Lancôme face cream, mascara, lip gloss, eyeshadow, and Garnier Fructis products.

To sign up for Loreal Consumer Testing just go

Mystery Beauty Box Giveaway

Miss Jackie's Views has joined her good friend, Ruby, over at the blog Diary of A Mad Typer to bring this super giveaway to my readers!! Ruby is an up and coming beauty blogger with fabulous nail tutorials and reviews of all these things beauty. I have been wanting to do one of these in forever! So heres how it works.

I give you a small peek at what's in this box.

This is just what I gathered in the first hour putting this box together. I had since then filled half of a shoe box with goodies.